DIM title$(100) scrh = 190 scrw = 640 bord = scrw * .03 squarw = .08 * scrw squarh = .45 * scrh interw = .015 * scrw SCREEN 2 'Load the full playlist file names: OPEN "c:\playlist.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1 LINE INPUT #1, nbtitr$ nb = VAL(nbtitr$) FOR i = 1 TO nb LINE INPUT #1, title$(i) NEXT i CLOSE #1 'Playing the files by calling mpxplay: i = 1 WHILE i <= nb 'Display track number on video driven LED unit GOSUB disptrack 'Launch mpxplay in video quiet mode SHELL "mpxplay.exe -cm -sl0 -ddma -f0 -v -bl -bn8 " + title$(i) 'mpxplay has completed or been interrupted SLEEP 1 com$ = INKEY$ 'Case of a "stop all": IF com$ = "E" OR com$ = "e" THEN i = nb END IF 'Case of a "skip back": IF com$ = "B" OR com$ = "b" THEN IF i >= 2 THEN i = i - 2 END IF END IF 'In case of normal end or skip FWD, step to following title i = i + 1 WEND CLS ' Exit while setting green led on as "ready" status: lft = bord + (interw + squarw) * 7 LINE (lft, 0)-(lft + squarw, squarh), 1, BF END 'Display the "i" value with two 10-LED lines (unity and tenthes) disptrack: CLS diz = INT(i / 10) IF diz <> 0 THEN 'Tenth display IF diz >= 3 THEN ddiz = diz - 2 ELSE ddiz = diz + 8 END IF lft = (interw + squarw) * (ddiz - 1) + bord LINE (lft, 0)-(lft + squarw, squarh), 1, BF END IF unit = i - diz * 10 'Unity display: IF unit >= 2 THEN dunit = unit - 2 ELSE dunit = unit + 8 END IF lft = (interw + squarw) * dunit + bord LINE (lft, scrh - squarh)-(lft + squarw, scrh), 1, BF RETURN